Corey from Baton Rouge asked me the question below in email yesterday. I liked my answer so I thought I would post it:
tell me about how you came to Christianity and why you practice it?
OK, well Christianity was definitely influenced by my parents. I was raised in the Baptist church since I was a small child and to me, Christianity just made sense. It was also the only major religion I was exposed to so I may have had a different opinion if I had actually known about other options. As it is, my faith is not always consistent with Christian teaching, but I still hold the core beliefs. I do believe in a higher power and the teachings of Jesus are incredibly progressive, inclusive and radical. Jesus was very into social justice, and so am I.
I don't think I believe in God in the same way I did as a child- like some human-like creature who created us like some giant toymaker, but I do believe in a benevilent spirit force, be it wisdom, energy, oneness... I dunno. My current belief leans much more towards a quantum spirituality, like we are all cells in the body of God or that we are all God ourselves, or that we all have the potential to attain divinity once we reach an evolved level of awareness. As to why, since my beliefs are not really traditional Christian, am I still practicing Christianity? Familiarity and insurance, probably, although my current church is very close to my beliefs so it feels very right for me to be there. I certainly don't think my theories would be vastly different from those of my pastor.
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