Friday, May 04, 2007

I know, I know...

It's been a while since I posted. Not that I haven't been doing fun and interesting things, I just sometimes lose the motivation to communicate. Since we last spoke we have gone back and forth on a potential wedding date, thinking originally of next January, but now we agree realistically it will be a bit later than that. I want my sweet darlin to have the Pretty, Pretty Princess wedding, not the Wal-mart/Potluck wedding and realistically, that can't happen for a little while.

What else? I have a new Psychiatrist. I went for long-acting Ritalin since I hate to take pills multiple times a day. This guy really knew his stuff. I also learned that if you combine all the strange health things that happen in 40+ years, it can sound kind of scary. Yes, I have fainted a few times, yes I have had a few heart arrythmias, yes antidepressants have made me manic the few times I have taken them... considering months, years or decades can pass between these incidents I thought I sounded pretty healthy. A few curious scribbles and surprised looks by the shrink and I'm not feeling as bulletproof.

Well, waddya know- my shrink's office just called. My bloodwork came back and I only have a 5% chance that my thyroid is low-functioning and causing problems with my attention and creating other weird symptoms. I'm rather disappointed. I was kind of hoping to soon be on thyroid meds instead of Ritalin. :(

OK, now I'm just boring myself. I'll write again when I have more important things to say.


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