Monday, January 08, 2007

The Sweet Life

I got the note below this morning from K. I don't think she would mind me sharing. It certainly made my day.

I kid you not, no exagguration, this is Just how it happened!

(To set the scene:A tired Mommy who has just drugged herself in order to shut down her waaay over active mind sits at a computer having given up on sleep after an hot bath and an hour and a half of tossing and turning, hoping to play on the net for a bit until the valerian kicks in. Suddenly she hears the uneven patter of lil feet wandring about in the dark house. Enter Small Child, not fully awake, weaving unsteadily across the floor rubbing his eyes and looking adorably rumpled. Seeing the too-bright computer light he stumbles, squinting towards it. The scene begins...)

Mommy: Come here Pumpkin. (watches silently as he weaves her direction almost blindly) Right here...Mommy's right here.

Small Child: (rubbing eyes and blinking...frowns and stumbles closer. He makes a sad lilttle sound with and even sadder little pout) Nooooo

Mommy: (reaching forward and gethering up adorable bundle of not-awakeness) What's wrong Bunny?

Small Child: Not Grandma's house (sniffle, sniffle, blink, rub)

Mommy: (understanding immediatly but trying not to encourage behavior that could be uncomfortable for all parties concerned) What, Honey? It's ok...come here. (Hugs, pats, kisses)

Small Child: (curling up in a fetal ball in lap and burrowing into the Mommy's blanket...muffled sniff) Not the Grandma's house

Mommy: back soothingly, kissing tousled head) Do you want to go sleep in your Thinking Chair? (trying to distract with a rare treat...sleeping in the thinking chair)

Small Child: (shakes head) No (sniff sniff)

Mommy: (kisses head) Do you want to sleep in Mommy's bed?

Small Child: (pause....shakes head) No

Mommy: (hoping a wee bit that Small Child is just on a "no" streak) Well...ok....what do you want, my love?

Small Child: (muffled) Eddie's house

Mommy: What, Baby?

Small Child: (clearer) I want my Eddie's house.

Mommy: (a little teary...blame it on the drugs) You want Eddie's house?

Small Child: (nods...TAKES OUT PACI!!!) Yes. (returns Paci quickly to mouth)

Mommy: (kisses head, leans in to whisper) Mommy wants Eddie's house too.

Small Child: (nods...whispers back) Yes, Galen wants Eddie's house too.

(The Mommy sits and rocks the Small Child back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, eventually lulling him to sleep then depositing him in the much-loved Thinking Chair. She then returns to the computer to compose and email, absolutely certian there is no other way to describe this than a textbook definition of "Bittersweet")

Apparently he loves you as much as you love him. And that, at least, I know to be wonderful. We miss you.



At 12:55 PM CST, Blogger Blue said...

Very, very, very, very sweet.


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