Twenty-two Dollars and a Pair of Panties
Hello all:
I hope your Thanksgiving was grand. Mine was excellent and I'll tell you more about that in a later post. Here now is a story of the odd and unexplained:
I came home from Baton Rouge yesterday around 5pm or so. C keeps her home so outrageously orderly the first things I noticed in my own house was that it was decidedly messy, and a bit stenchy. I set about cleaning up a bit and cleaning the litterboxes and then took out the trash. I then returned, opened the front door and stared at my roomie R and said with a suspicious and only-slightly serious tone:
Me: "OK, R, what the hell happened this weekend?"
She looked puzzled and paused, paintbrush poised over her art project with the Bears game in the background.
R: "What do you mean? I went to a pot luck for Thanksgiving and I've been doing art. That's pretty much it."
Me: Well, I just found a pair of women's panties in my yard and also a small roll of cash. Twenty-two dollars."
R raised an eyebrow: "Well, I don't carry cash and I don't throw panties in the yard so I have no clue."
So, mystery may never be solved but the panties went immediately in the trash, even though C teased me that I finally had a pair to save since I was always trying to steal a pair of hers for a souvenir. True, I told her, but I know where she has been and no telling what hootchie mama was wearing these 'yard-drawers'.
So, R and I had a nice pizza with the mystery bucks and to add to the strangeness of the evening, the pizza place made us a medium instead of a large pizza so they made us two and gave us the second for free. So, free food bought with free money.
Overall, a great day.
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