I'm right HERE!
This photo says much. If you notice, Bush doesn't show in his body language that he even has an awareness that the Speaker of the House is standing there next to him. He could give more attention to a fly. Funny this is, Pelosi seems to be talking to his left shoulder as if she doesn't think she deserves (or expects) to catch his eye.
I drive around Austin and- although much less frequently than in the past- I still see Bush Cheney stickers on cars. It piques my curiousity so much that I sometimes make an effort to drive up next to the person and stare at them, just to see what someone would look like that still supports this administration's evil idiosy. I wish I could say they don't look human, but they do. They look either like the typical Wal-Mart shopper or like some hard-jawed wealthy retiree.
I keep wondering when it will end. I realized the other day that we have been at war for as long as my Fiance's child has been alive. I'm sure many of our soldiers are more than aware that they have been warring for longer than their children have been alive.
Speaking of soldiers, has this ever happened to you? I'm in a public place like a coffeeshop, or more often, an airport, and I see a soldier in full uniform. I have the most overwhelming urge to embrace them and burst into tears.
i, too, do the "drive by" when i see bush/cheny or other republican stickers...they are not very common around here (san francisco bay area). you're more likely to see 'impeachment fries' as opposed to 'french fries/freedom fries' on the menu. (saturn cafe in santa cruz had them) ;)
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