Thursday, May 22, 2008

No Job, No Girl, At Least I Have My Health!


Yeah, no luck lately in the amor department. I think the hottie European seems to have cooled and it was probably a bad idea anyway. Not writing her off entirely but unless she decides to free herself from what is looking more and more like a pretty serious connection to another person I think I'm done. It was great for my ego though.

I finished my last day at the temp job yesterday so I am officially unemployed- again. I have sent out my resume to myriad places but still don't have a really firm lead. I was thinking I was going to get this really sweet job with Apple but they never called me back. I wish I could at least hear "No" so I could give up and move on.

Wow, my love life and job life are remarkably parallel right now. Both are up in the air, big teases and giving no idication how they will turn out. I always land on my feet but not knowing how or when gives me a stomachache.

Keep tuning in- your guess is as good as mine on what will happen next. Maybe considering I'll be hosting about 40 or more single lesbians on Saturday night for Speed Dating I could be whistling a different tune this time next week...


At 4:25 PM CDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you best update this post, homes. ;) what tune are ya whistling now? I like it!


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