Thursday, February 14, 2008

Batting 1000

So New Years sucked, and now Valentine's Day sucked. I think holidays are just out to get me this year.

I don't know why I ventured out to the bar scene tonight. All I wanted was a quiet evening at home but no. Three women- all of which are dating people- still managed to schedule band practice in my house, which forced me out into the night in a foul mood. Janet tried her best to pull me out but I was having none of it. I was cranky, negative, lethargic and dark. Adding to the irony was hearing her say some of the same things I said to H last night- to me tonight. "You just don't know what's out there waiting for you." Yeah, well it's not waiting at The CockPit or Rainbow Cattle Company. I absolutely hate going to bars when I'm in a dark mood. I tend to find myself in RCC surveying the crowd and thinking, "This is my dating pool. Kill me now."

Nothing to worry about, my small but loyal group of readers. I'm sure this is the tail end of some sort of hormonal swing and I'll be back to my chipper self in no time. But of course when I'm happy I don't feel compelled to write so look for me again when the darkness is nigh.


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