Sunday, April 20, 2008

Life Update

It's been a month like... well, I was about to say 'none other' but these things do tend to happen to me. More often than I would like.

I lost my job a couple weeks ago. Laid off from the Great and Powerful Dell. Funny thing is, I didn't get that upset. Never even shed a tear about it, although I almost choked up a little when my ex asked me what I needed. She can be rather sweet when I least expect it. Probably some sort of hidden superpower. Anyway, I think with all the prior layoffs and the feeling that my job was kind of nebulous, I was almost a little relieved. I also couldn't take it that personally. I know it didn't have to do with performance, or even whether they liked me. I was pretty well liked and my performance was above average. Someone on high just decided they could survive without a peripherals content developer.

So, for a few weeks I'm working a weird temp job I typically pick up between major jobs. It's grading essay exams for standardized tests. I'm grading Ohio right now and I have to say, if these kids are going to be controlling the economy when I am getting Social Security- bury your money in the backyard right now. Oh, and convert it to gold. There's hard times ahead.

I'm sure I won't be out of work terribly long but the unknown aspect of it has me living on a shoestring budget and kind of making a game of it. "How little can I live on?" "Can I go 3 days without spending a single bit of money?" Kind of puts a damper on my social life but who wants an unemployed date anyway? Guess I'll lay low for a while.

I'll update when I get a job. I have a lead on a long-term contract position at Apple but I don't know when I will interview. It would be a sweet job if it comes through. 10K more than I was making at Dell and (from what I hear) a much better environment. Send good energy out for me. This could the thing I seek.


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