Friday, August 01, 2008

Here Comes The Rain Again...

I'm worried I may be getting sick again. It hasn't happened in so long I think I was half convinced it had gone away. Amazing how feeling good can make you forget how utterly crappy you feel when you don't anymore.

Anyway, I've noticed I haven't been sleeping as well and I caught some kind of respiratory infection that I'm clearing up with antibiotics. Although that part feels better, I'm starting to get the little signs and symptoms that say trouble is coming. This is usually a time when flares come on. Right after an illness that leaves you vulnerable. One of the first things that happens when a Fibro-flare (as I affectionately call them) is coming is that my muscles start to randomly jump and twitch. Some people experience it on their eyelid on occasion but people with FMS have it everywhere. Especially our arms and legs. A couple days ago my thigh muscles started twitching and I think "Oh crap- not now". Like there is ever a good time to get sick with this stuff.

Anyway, I have noticed I don't have as much energy lately and a lot of activities seem like too much effort. Today I started feeling the 'drunk' feeling I hate. It is a mild dizziness that feels like I've had about 2 drinks. It can sometimes cause me to 'list' a bit when I walk and it throws off my perception slightly, like wearing someone else's eyeglasses. Things look... just not quite right- especially when I'm in the open walking. It can be rather frightening but lately it just feels familiarly annoying. A few years ago before I was diagnosed I went to an Ear Nose and Throat specialist and they did the most unpleasant battery of tests... The worst involved forcing first warm and then cold water into my eardrum until the room started spinning like the worst drunk you can imagine. Then while that torture is going on, the assistant-demon asks you math questions. WTF? At one point mid-torture I just whined and said "I don't know- leave me alone." It took forever for my equilibrium to come back post torture-test. You are told not to eat before the test because most people do throw up if they have anything in their stomachs. Charming.

So, I don't know if I am heading for a full-blown flare, or how long it would last if so, but I need to be aware of this and start doing better self-care for a while. Clean up my diet, get better sleep, up the supplements, mild exercise, probably some meditation would help.

Expect I may withdraw from all but essential social functions until I get a handle on this. I don't make good company when it is going on anyway. Wish me luck in vanquishing this quickly so I can rejoin the humans soon.


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