My Recurring Dream

The dream is of travel. Sometimes I am driving on a road trip, sometimes I am on a train, sometimes a plane (those usually involve more stress and tension and are much more disturbing) and overwhelmingly of late they have been on boats. The pattern of the dream is that I obviously have a destination but something sidetracks me in the dream and I either stop for a rest (if driving) or I stop for something like a train change or I'm waiting with the plane on the ground because of a delay. Anyway, whatever way it presents itself I always end up on some sort of side adventure that makes my trip longer- or sometimes causes me to miss the next part of my trip. It is never overly upsetting (in the cases of flight it is actually a relief) and I seem to enjoy the interruption as much as I would have enjoyed the destination. One other common thing about this dream is that I am always traveling alone.
I long ago decided this dream represented my life. I never reach my destination- which I have determined to be the end of my life. The side adventures are always enjoyable and although I have a vague feeling that I should continue on my journey, I never mind the interruptions that much and ultimately decide the break in my plans was worthwhile and significant.
I had the dream again last night. I was sailing out of Galveston to the Caribbean. As usual, something caused a change in plans and as usual I didn't mind.
There was one thing that was different this time though. This time I had a partner with me. It was incredibly comforting and I realized how much I enjoyed seeing old things again and pointing them out and also seeing new things knowing she was thrilled to be on the adventure with me. I'm not sure exactly what my dream was trying to tell me this time. Maybe just that it is not always best to plan your life journey alone. I do know it felt very profound when I awoke. I certainly liked the feeling of someone I loved at my side on the ocean. Whatever the message, it has certainly been on my mind today. And so has she.
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