Friday, August 08, 2008

What I Have Been Missing...

Obviously my life is missing a bunny letter opener. I must have one.

Besides this obvious void, my life is pretty darn good. My energy is still inconsistent but I'm feeling better physically than I did a few days ago and overall, things are dandy. I have the usual worries such as how much longer will my job last? Are my roomies planning to move out? And of course I have a litany of things I have been procrastinating, such as getting my dog to the vet for a checkup, getting myself to the dentist for a checkup, getting the oil changed in my car, and getting better health insurance.

I updated my resume this week. I really can't imagine them keeping me past the end of the month at this job. Although my skills as a political researcher are second-to-none, (reading,,,, that is really not in a part of my job description and I wouldn't mind doing actual work to ease my guilt a bit. Anyway, it was hard describing my current job considering how little I have done but luckily, creative writing IS one of my many skills! Someone called me about my old Dell job-- well a contract position doing my old Dell job anyway- yet again. I've been called about 6 times for contract jobs in my old department and I've never gotten an interview. Makes me wonder-- are there others out there that are actually more qualified than me to do the job I used to do? I shall ponder this...


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