Monday, November 10, 2008

Post Election Musings

Wow. It's been a long time coming, that's for sure.

Rachel Maddow (yeah, haven't mentioned her in a few posts so of course I will now) said before the election: If, when seeing all the postive news, polls and signs showing Obama will most likely win the election, you are still terrified something will happen to snatch this away, you are a Democrat.

Guilty as charged. I was fearful until the very moment California and the rest of the states that put him over the top were called for Obama. My friends chide me for my lack of faith but I tell them I've had 8 years of rotten luck so forgive my lack of positive outlook.

Now that what I see as the nearly-impossible has happened, I think I'm still a bit dumbstruck. I believe it without totally letting my head wrap around the concept. The main feeling I have is peace. A sense of quiet and lightness and calm. I'm not quite sure what to do with all the energy I have spent the last few years shaking my fist and fuming at the way things were going. I obviously need a new hobby. I would feel disloyal to what this new era means if I were only to return to my role of playful gadabout so I do hope to find meaningful volunteer opportunities soon. Suggestions are welcome.

In the meantime, let's dance.


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