My Shallow Dating Pool
So I went to a speed dating event last night. I was pretty ambivalent about it but figured I could use a change in routine and I liked the idea of meeting new people, even just for the sake of entertainment.
Entertaining it was. No love connections but I wasn't really expecting any. I was in a bar after all and that doesn't bring out the type to which I am drawn. I'm glad I went though. I met some interesting people, and some people who were interesting in that train wreck kind of way. I met a few women that made 3 minutes seem like an eternity- especially the dried up old barfly that treated me like a therapist. My diagnosis: depression aided by rampant alcoholism. The environment did force me to chat with some women I would not have normally and some were surprising. I liked meeting the former military tomboi that delighted me with her love for the old-fashioned hand-written letter. She also had a strong wit and a nice advocacy for proper English grammar. She would make a nice friend. I also met a fascinating scientist. She studies marine life, specifically sharks. She had a delightful German accent I mistakenly guessed was Austrian and seemed very stable and together. She was a foreign exchange student that never went home after high school. I felt a compulsion to invite her for Thanksgiving dinner. There was also an assortment of oddities I will only identify with nicknames like Alpaca girl, chipmunk girl and fast food girl.
Oh, and to add to the strangeness of the night- my ex K was in the bar with what looked like a... -what would you call a butch girl version of a harem? A stud stable? Yeah, so she was perched on a bar stool behind me as I did my silly "Hi, nice to meet you..." stuff, surrounded by bois in waiting. That was weird. It is strange and amusing that one of her 'thangs (J) is strikingly like me. That makes the 2nd woman J and I have both dated in common. In some strange way I consider it a compliment. I managed to leave without saying hi to K- not as a slight, but I was just overstimulated I was over my human interaction limit for the night.
I did meet one woman I would like to meet again for an actual date. I didn't learn enough about her to know if she really has potential but she is pretty rockin from what I could tell in 3 minutes. She looks like an old-school high gloss femme. Perfectly applied makeup, corkscrew-curly dark hair and a killer smile. She says she likes bookstores, coffeehouses and considers herself a foodie. Yeah, I hope she picked me. I love to cook and I'd like a nice old-fashioned date.
OK, back to work for the State of Texas. Have a great weekend everyone.
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