Monday, August 25, 2008

News of the Strange and Tragic

I heard a few weeks ago from Cora that her transplant recipient was not doing well. To catch you all up, Cora (formerly known as Corey, my ex) had a friend that suffered a stroke a while back and his kidneys failed. Cora went in for a test to see if her kidney happened to be compatible and against a good many odds, it was. She decided to donate her kidney to her friend because in her words, "I've seen too many of my friends die and if I can do something to save one of them I will".

So, a couple of months ago Cora donated her kidney to her friend who lived in L.A.

Today she told me her friend died.

He had been battling various infections and things since pretty soon after the transplant.

My heart goes out to her. I can't imagine giving up an organ to save someone and having them die anyway. She is in my thoughts, and I hope the creator can find some way to make her feel her sacrifice was not in vain.

I prayed a lot for this fellow to make it. When I heard he died I thought "Now what possible good could come from that?" Today I wonder if I should ever pray for what I want. I have pretty much decided that prayer as intersession does not work. It might be better overall to just pray for the strength to accept whatever happens since we have no freaking power over it anyway.

Maybe I need someone to pray for me today.

In other news, I got a call for a job interview today. If I get it I will be working really weird hours. What my mom calls 'Graveyard'. It is for a job at UT doing computer support and staffing a computer center that houses a 3 million dollar computer system from the National Science Foundation. The hours would be midnight to 8am, M-F. If times were better I wouldn't consider it, but since this is the first interview I have gotten since finding my current job will end this Friday, I'm pretty motivated to take what I can get. I figure I would sleep from 8:30am or so until around 4 in the afternoon, still have my social schedule between 5-11 and then go to work. I think I could tolerate it- at least until I found something else.

Well, I guess that's it for today. I tragic, one strange. I guess that's life.


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