Monday, January 26, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

This was a Facebook assignment and I thought I'd post it here too.

1. I hate carrots, but My favorite dessert is carrot cake.
2. I sometimes still have an imaginary friend. Usually someone I have a crush on.
3. I cry watching Extreme Home Makeover.
4. Rachel Maddow is my imaginary girlfriend.
5. I work hard every day to overcome a fear of being considered lazy.
6. I'm a hypochondriac. It totally sucks.
7. I make the best brisket ever. Seriously- one friend wants it on her death bed.
8. I was a band nerd in high school. Even worse, I was a band nerd in college.
9. I'm currently toying with the idea of writing a book of erotica.
10.My mama is better than your mama.
11.I think Mama Cass Elliot was actually kinda hot.
12.I've never been on a date with a man.
13.My ADD keeps me disconnected from people.
14.I think tattoos are cool but can't think of anything I would want on my body forever.
15.I think about love and romance 80% of any given day.
16.I'm a tiny bit OCD.
17.I like to poke fun of mean people on Craigslist under the pen name of Sparks.
18.I own all the seasons of The L Word but I've never watched them.
19.I really, really like splitting wood for the fire.
20.I don't like to argue but I love good debate.
21.Women have won me over buy buying me caffeine-free Earl Grey tea.
22.I think the Alamo Draft House is the best idea in ages.
23.I would like to be described as 'adorkable'.
24.I don't mind if some people don't like me. In some cases I think it reflects well on me.
25.Writing my blog is one of the most satisfying things I do.


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