Last Week
I can't say I had enough unusual things happen last week to warrant a whole blog entry so I thought I'd just give the headlines.
Planted my winter veggies. Couldn't start my tiller. Broke a water main pulling the hose to water said new veggies. Found a plumber that actually shows up within an hour and worked until 8:30 at night. Love those happy endings.
Started a workout class. 'Buns of steel' crippled me for 4 days. They should call it 'Thighs that will make you cry.' Afterward I seriously walked like I was 90 and screamed each time I bent my knees.
Saw 7 Pounds at Alamo Draft House. Definitely a hankie movie. On the way out I found a guy's wallet. I saw him in the lobby and identified him by his UT ID photo. Imagine his surprise as a strange dyke walks up to him holding a card next to his head, calls his name and hands back a wallet he didn't know he lost. My good deed for the day.
All else is well in the world. No earth-shattering changes, drama or tragedy. Epic win. Wishing you a week steeped in normality.
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