Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm an Idiot

I did something really dumb last night. I was bone-tired from my travels and winding down by playing on the computer before bed. I was sending funny messages back and forth with my friend S and she pointed out in a message I got this morning that I had written my BFF's name C instead of the suggestion I intended which was that she drink a cup of CHAMOMILE tea. I was daft. S did think it was hilarious and told me to send her over- she had the cup ready!

But-- 10 times worse than that was when out of curiosity for which of my friends were on Facebook, I went through an automated process to let it pull in my address book. It pulled in lots of people I don't even remember (some I have never met because they are women from the Speed Dating groups). Anyway, in my exhaustion I thought I was cancelling the option and instead managed to hit the OK button-- sending out friend invites to EVERYONE in my address book!!!!! I was horrified. The worst was the idea that at least 2 or 3 of those people I never want to speak to again. And now they think I want them to be my Facebook friend!

This has taught me a valuable lesson. I really need to clean out my address book. Don't let this happen to you. Don't touch social networking sites unless you are awake, alert and un-impared.


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