Monday, July 30, 2007

The New and Improved Eddie

Well hello! Nice to see you too. Yeah, things are going well, thanks for asking. I really feel like I'm making real evolutionary progress in my relationship. I realized I had been falling into a dangerous and familiar pattern in the past few months. When things get serious I begin to get over-cautious. Taking on stuff I needn't and doing my partner's thinking for them. This is the first time I have caught myself doing it and made a dedicated effort to change before it was too late. I think it has been a positive thing for both of us and I am much more relaxed and happy. One thing I recognized was that I wasn't allowing myself to think about what I really wanted to be happy. Once I did that I felt energized and was even more in love with sweet K. I stuck a note on my mirror that says "Do the things that make you happy". One of my first decisions connected to this is: I'm going to Michfest this year! Yay!

I'd love it if K and G were going with me and hopefully someday they will but this will be a partially solo thang. K doesn't really like music festivals or camping that much but I know she'd like the energy there. I think every woman should go there at least once in their life so I'll continue to extol the virtues until all of them do. :)

Hey, have you ever just caught a moment in time and thought- "This is what life is all about"? I had a few of those this weekend. G and a play date playing in the kiddie pool, my sweetie leaning against me watching TV, G holding my hand crossing the street on the way to church, and R and G playing sock puppets... Have I mentioned lately that life is good?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Age Difference in Couplings- The Right and Wrong Way

Right Way
Wrong Way
Rule #1: Don't look like the parent of your partner
Rule #2: 20 years is too much (in the case of Mr. & Mrs. Thompson- 25). No. Really.
Rule #3: If you break rule #1 & #2, at least be hot, along the lines of Harrison Ford. Don't look like a basset hound dating Britney Spears.

Friday, July 20, 2007

How does this man sleep at night?

If you knew you were responsible for this man's injury, how would you feel?

Friday, July 13, 2007

I'm right HERE!

This photo says much. If you notice, Bush doesn't show in his body language that he even has an awareness that the Speaker of the House is standing there next to him. He could give more attention to a fly. Funny this is, Pelosi seems to be talking to his left shoulder as if she doesn't think she deserves (or expects) to catch his eye.
I drive around Austin and- although much less frequently than in the past- I still see Bush Cheney stickers on cars. It piques my curiousity so much that I sometimes make an effort to drive up next to the person and stare at them, just to see what someone would look like that still supports this administration's evil idiosy. I wish I could say they don't look human, but they do. They look either like the typical Wal-Mart shopper or like some hard-jawed wealthy retiree.
I keep wondering when it will end. I realized the other day that we have been at war for as long as my Fiance's child has been alive. I'm sure many of our soldiers are more than aware that they have been warring for longer than their children have been alive.
Speaking of soldiers, has this ever happened to you? I'm in a public place like a coffeeshop, or more often, an airport, and I see a soldier in full uniform. I have the most overwhelming urge to embrace them and burst into tears.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Republican Party- Now with 30% more perverts!

Man! What is it with these 'Family Values' Republicans and getting caught doing freaky things? A couple days ago some Repub admits he's in the 'Washington Madam's' little black book and now today this Repub Florida rep on McCain's staff gets busted trying to pick up fellas at a park bathroom!? Are Repubs just more kinky than Dem or Indies, or do liberals just not have to pay for sex?

Florida State Representative Accused of Offering to Perform Oral Sex

AP July 11: Florida State Rep. Bob Allen is released from jail after his arrest in connection with charges he offered to pay for sex.

TITUSVILLE, Fla. — State Rep. Bob Allen, a co-chair of Republican presidential candidate John McCain's Florida campaign, is expected to address Thursday charges that he offered to perform oral sex on an undercover male police officer for $20.

Allen, who sponsored a failed bill that would have tightened the state's prohibition on public sex, scheduled a news conference at his lawyer's office to discuss Wednesday's arrest. A spokeswoman for Allen declined further comment.

Allen was named in March as one of six co-chairs for McCain's Florida campaign. The campaign had not returned calls for comment. The arrest came days after a key Southern supporter of McCain opponent Rudy Giuliani, U.S. Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana, was identified as a client of a Washington, D.C., escort service.

Veteran's Memorial Park was under surveillance when Allen was seen going in and out of a restroom three times, said police Lt. Todd Hutchinson.

Allen, 48, of Merritt Island, then propositioned the officer and was arrested, Hutchinson said.
According to the police report, obtained by the newspaper Florida Today, the police officer said that in the bathroom, "it was agreed that he would pay me $20" to perform oral sex, and "Allen stated that he wanted me to ride with him across the river before he performed the act and gave me the money," the report states.

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